What is the Difference Between Technology and Digital Technology

So, you’ve probably heard the terms “technology” and “digital technology” thrown around quite a bit, but what exactly do they mean, and how do they differ? Let’s break it down in simple terms:

How do we construct a decentralized internet?

Over the past few years, a decentralization revolution has been taking place. The blockchain technology that underlies cryptocurrencies and peer-to-peer file sharing is gradually decentralizing internet services. From cryptocurrency wallets to social media apps, decentralization is gradually becoming a reality. Yes, we are talking about a world where data is not stored on central servers […]

What is the difference between an IoT SIM card and a regular SIM card?

There is a lot of buzz around the internet of things (IoT) these days. Technology is advancing at a rapid pace and every day we hear more things being said about it. But at the end of the day, it all boils down to one question: can you use an IoT SIM card to ensure […]

The Difference Between AI And The Internet of Things

Artificial Intelligence has been a buzzword in the technology world for a while now. Founded in 1956, the University of California, Berkeley’s renowned artificial intelligence laboratory—Berkeley AI Laboratory—has been working on artificial intelligence technologies since 1958. In 1972, they created a computer program that could “recognize things it had seen before.” Over time, artificial intelligence […]

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